Boom lifts aid in:
1) Painting houses
2) Fixing Traffic Lights
3) Taking better pictures of birds
4) Inspecting skyscrapers
5) Erecting Displays
6) Lighting Signs
7) Concert Acrobatics
8) Constructing buildings
9) Taking better video footage of football games
10) Getting a better view of an R.C. car racetrack
11) Saving people from stalled rollercoasters
12) Building rollercoasters
13) Inspecting rollercoasters
14) Putting hats on statues
15) Repairing cable wires and cable boxes
16) Installing solar panels
17) Tending to an otherwise inaccesible rooftop garden
18) Wiring electricity for a building
19) Setting up plumbing for a structure
20) Finishing fixtures on a church building
21) Conducting band practice as a drum major
22) Picking cherries at a local orchard
23) Installing fire safety equipment into commercial buildings
24) Affixing banners
25) Trimming branches
26) Mining, in a quarry or a mining tunnel of course
27) Pruning trees
28) Putting up 'Lost Cat' signs in high places
29) Saving that cat from a tree
30) Putting that cat back into a tree when you become annoyed of the aforementioned cat